Build your own at home steam bath with this modern steam column of true Scandinavian design. The black glass front and the chrome coloured details makes it easy to fit in any tiled shower space.

The enveloping steam starts in 2 minutes and soon you have a full, warm steam bath. You control your steam column with the advanced Elite Cloud control panel that blends in perfectly with the black Stella front. The glass front is wider than the column, to give it a floating, nice look. Behind the glass is the neon LED lists.

The hand shower, thermostat and mixer are of high quality and luxury material. The steam outlet is silent. It has a fragrance compartment to enjoy the fragrance therapy of your choice. A ceiling shower head can be connected and controlled from the column. To match the black, sleek look you can add the matching stool and shelf in black aluminium.

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2900 3000 Steam shower Stella Installation Guide
2900 3005 Steam shower Stella Installation - User Guide
Stella CB_Cert_SE-109686 (1)